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Alain Ize:


Title: Why Do Central Banks Go Weak?

Author: Oulidi, Nada ; Ize, Alain

Series: Working Paper No. 2009/013

Date: January 1, 2009

Subject: Bank deposits Banking Central bank balance sheet Financial statements Personal income



Title: Capitalizing Central Banks: A Net Worth Approach

Author: Ize, Alain

Series: Working Paper No. 2005/015

Date: January 1, 2005

Subject: Banking Currencies Expenditure International reserves Personal income


Title: Prudential Responses to De Facto Dollarization

Author: Ize, Alain ; Powell, Andrew

Series: Working Paper No. 2004/066

Date: April 1, 2004

Subject: Banking Credit risk Currencies Dollarization Real exchange rates


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